Tips on Building a Successful AMSOIL Business or Dealership - Select Synthetics - AMSOIL Authorized Dealer

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 Tips on Building a Successful AMSOIL Business 

Would you like to take your AMSOIL business to the next level? Do you want to start earning serious money and even become financially independent some day? Would you like to be able to fire your boss? Or go on that exotic vacation? Would you like to be able to have the means to purchase that dream house or car?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, keep reading. I have put together a list of 13 indispensable “tips” that, if consistently followed and applied, will help you build and grow your dealership into a successful, profitable business and bring you one step closer to your dreams.

Like with any successful business endeavor, the key to experiencing success in your AMSOIL business is authenticity, consistency, motivation, determination, persistence, drive, and hard work. You need to start by setting clear, attainable goals, believing that you can and will achieve them, and focus on building relationships. It all starts with having the right mindset and skill set.

I truly believe that if you take the following tips to heart – learn from them, let them teach, guide and inspire you – and consistently follow and apply them to your business, you will be well on your way to building a successful, prosperous AMSOIL dealership.

Do NOT underestimate the value and importance of these Tips!

1. Define your Dreams, Goals and Objectives

Studies have shown that very few people have written dreams and clear goals, yet those who do often achieve higher levels of success. When You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail. You need to set some realistic, attainable goals and believe that you can and will achieve them.

First, identify your dreams. Ask yourself, "If time and money weren't inhibitors, what would my life look like?" Describe your dream house in great detail. Likewise, get a mental image of your dream car, vacations, lifestyle and so on. From those dreams, develop your goals. A dream is the big picture; goals are the steps that will get you to your dreams. And don’t be afraid to dream BIG.

Break down your goals into bite-size objectives. A great tip is to first set yourself smaller, achievable goals then increase your expectation and target each time – that way you’re motivated by the buzz of successfully achieving your goals and this motivation will put you in the right mindset to achieve even more next time.

Each month, you should review your dreams and goals - reassessing your objectives and revising them if necessary - in order to determine and plan your daily and weekly activities. Doing so will ensure you actually grow your business rather than just sustain it. If you want to succeed, you need to stay focused on your goals and remain consistently persistent.

2. Building a Solid Foundation – The AMSOIL Dealer Zone

AMSOIL corporate provides you with an excellent support system to help you develop your business. Training materials, brochures, video content, meetings, technical services, live training events – everything you need to build and grow your business is available from AMSOIL.

Be sure to log into and explore the Dealer Zone on a regular basis, preferably daily. There is a wealth of great info about the business and about the products in the Dealer Zone.  Familiarize yourself with its content, learn about the products, read through the information and watch the videos. You need to take advantage of all these great resources that AMSOIL freely provides.

Start by reading through the “Quick Start Guide” and “The AMSOIL Game Plan” (under the "Business Tools" tab). These will give you a brief overview of the AMSOIL opportunity. You can also print these guides for offline use.

If you haven’t done so already, don't forget to complete the Dealer Basic Training modules in AMSOIL University Online as soon as you get the chance (don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it sounds – it's all videos and multiple-choice questions). This is especially important! Don’t put this off.

These modules are designed to equip you with the information you need to help you become more successful at selling AMSOIL Products and building your new AMSOIL Dealership moving forward. It will also help boost your level of professionalism.

The training is fast-paced, all video based, and mobile-friendly (you can also download a mobile app), aligning with the latest trends in adult learning and making participation as convenient as possible. Not only will this educate you on most things AMSOIL, but it will also allow you to become Certified.

There is a wealth of valuable info under the Learning Center navigation tab. The “Dealer Sales Brief” offers insight into products, sales tips, and more; the “Technical Service Bulletins” and “Technical Manuals” contain in-depth technical training documents and coursework; “Sponsor Training” will equip you in supporting your downline Dealers. You will also find various Product Videos and Tech Tips Videos in the Learning Center.

Other great resources available to you are the various “AMSOIL Performance Tests”, the “AMSOIL Newsstand” - which also includes Testimonials - and the “AMSOIL Blog”. Be sure to take advantage of these excellent tools.

Join our Dealer Exclusive Facebook Group by clicking on the LINK in the center of the Dealer Zone homepage/dashboard.

You should also visit our Dealer Forums. You’ll again find links to it in the Dealer Zone. Read through some of the threads, participate, ask questions. Get to know some of your fellow AMSOIL Dealers.

In addition to all the training material available from AMSOIL, you can also read through some of the various Motor Oil articles on my Select Synthetics website.

3. Know the Product; Believe in the Product; Use the Product

Familiarize yourself with the many different AMSOIL products you are selling. Read about them; educate yourself; do your research. A good place to start, for instance, would be with the various product Data Bulletins – they contain a wealth of great, detailed product information. Another source of good info would be the various Product and Tech Tips videos available in the Dealer Zone.

You need to believe in and love the products you are selling. You can’t sell a product that you don’t truly believe in. How can you recommend a product to someone else if you are not emotionally involved with it? How can you transfer your enthusiasm for the product to someone else if you don’t have strong feelings for it yourself? Would you purchase and use the product even if you weren't being paid to sell it? Would you still be a customer?

You need to use the products in all your personal vehicles. What benefits do you see when you put AMSOIL in your car, truck, boat, motorcycle, small equipment? You need to be able to relate that experience to others. You need to be able to share before & after stories. The more personal testimonials you have to share, the easier it will be to sell the product.

4. Lead with Value & Benefits, NOT Features

A common mistake many new Dealers often make is that they will boast about all the awesome features of the product instead of focusing on its benefits. While there is certainly a time and a place to discuss and promote the product’s features and answer questions, it’s not a very good strategy to initially get customers to purchase.

One reason why this is not recommended is that people love to buy, but they hate to be sold. You need to focus on what’s in it for them. What benefits will they receive from the products? What problem are you solving for them? What need are you meeting? How will the product help them or their business? It all comes back to the concept of leading with value first.

The bottom line is, when all you talk about is the features of the product, people will just see you as a salesperson. Yes having an in-depth, comprehensive knowledge of your product is important, but getting to know the customer and focusing on meeting their needs is much more important than trying to impress and dazzle them with your exhaustive knowledge.

5. Be Teachable / Coachable

An AMSOIL Dealership is a business of duplication.

When those AMSOIL Dealers who have already become successful in this business share their 'secrets to success', you need to pay attention and listen to the advice they give you. Try to duplicate what they did – don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Successful Dealers have been there, done that, and have the paychecks to prove it. Follow their lead.

Being a good follower will help you become a much better leader.

Both AMSOIL corporate and your upline, myself included, are committed and invested in helping you succeed. We are here for you – to coach, mentor, and train you. Take advantage of all the tools and training made available to you.

6. Building Your Team – Sponsor, DON’T Recruit

Although selling products should always be your primary focus, after all they are the foundation of your business, if you genuinely want to experience significant growth in your AMSOIL Dealership, you will also need to focus on sharing the opportunity and sponsoring new Dealers into the business.

But being a sponsor is more than just registering new Dealers. Successful sponsors take on a nurturing responsibility with their team by providing support, coaching and mentoring. This means you need to take time to train and educate them, motivate them, answer their questions, celebrate their successes, and be a support when things are tough.

Your primary focus should be on their success, not on yours. Learn to listen to your downline Dealers. It’s important to ask questions, but then sit back and listen to the answer. There’s a reason God gave you two ears but only one mouth. Being a good listener will help you become a far better mentor.

You will only be successful in your AMSOIL business if you work on helping others become successful. Forget about your wants and needs and focus on serving your team members instead, helping them grow their business. This concept is called "servant leadership" – you lead by serving those you lead.

The more you focus on helping them succeed, the more successful you will be.

7. Treat your Dealership like a Real Business NOT like a Hobby

If you truly want to become successful in this business, you need to treat it like a legitimate business, NOT like a hobby. For some reason, many people don't view their AMSOIL business as a real business, like they would if they opened a franchise or retail store. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your success is to treat your AMSOIL Dealership as the business it is.

You need to be passionate about your AMSOIL business. You need to love what you do and love the products. You need to have genuine pride in the company you are representing and believe in the products you are selling. Are you using the products in all your personal vehicles?

You need to always represent yourself in a professional manner, both in person and online. You need to dress the part (AMSOIL hat, shirt). Always carry Business Cards with you and regularly hand them out. Always be respectful, professional and cordial when interacting with people.

Actively advertise and promote your product, business and website. Hand out product catalogs and brochures. Take out an add in your local paper or radio. Turn your vehicle into a billboard on wheels by using decals or magnets. Participate in trade shows, car shows and other events.

Given the modern digital world we live in, it can be difficult to run a successful business today without having an established online presence. Use the various Social Media platforms to promote your business. Most business discussions today focus first on social media. Advertise on Google, Bing, the Yellow Pages, etc. Take advantage of the various FREE business listings that are available.

The bottom line is, you can earn a decent living from your AMSOIL business, but only if you make a conscious choice to commit to it and treat it like the legitimate business it is. You will get out of it only what you are willing to put into it.

How many people do you plan to talk to about AMSOIL products this week? How many people will you be sharing the business opportunity with?

8. Be Prepared to put in the WORK

You Can't Climb the Ladder of Success with your Hands in your Pockets.

Network marketing has probably produced more millionaires than any other industry. Although each of those people built their businesses with different companies, using different methods, they all had one thing in common – they all worked hard at it. Hey, it is called network marketing after all.

The only place “success” comes before “work” is in the dictionary.

One of the main differences between those who fail versus those who succeed is the amount of work they were willing to put into building and growing their business. Where do you want to take this business? Are you willing to put in the work to get there?

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

This is NOT a “get-rich-quick-scheme”. Beware of anyone that tries to convince you otherwise. Nothing in life is just handed to you on a silver platter. The only thing the world owes you is an opportunity – you decide what to do with it.

Many AMSOIL Dealers expect to earn thousands of dollars their first month, and when they don't, they get discouraged and often end up quitting. As with any business endeavor, the first few years are usually the toughest.

Achieving success in this business takes time, effort, discipline and focus – without necessarily seeing any rewards right away. Don’t expect to be earning career-level income your first year or two. Be patient. It will take some time for you to build a successful sales team and grow your customer base.

“I run on the street, long before I dance under the lights.”  Muhammad Ali

In a corporation, it usually takes the average executive many years of schooling, experience and hard work to become successful, why would you think it would be any different to become successful in this business? Again, you need to work hard and be patient. If you're duplicating a successful system, the only thing separating you from success is time.

When things are looking dim, keep going; make one more call; talk with one more person; follow up one more time. Stay positive and be consistently persistent. The only way to fail at this business is to not do the work… or to quit.

9. Identify your Target Market – Focus on Meeting their Needs

Identify and analyze your target market in order to better tailor your offers to those people.

Any business decision always begins with the same starting point: the customer. Correctly identifying your target customer and their needs is one of the first and most important keys to success. Establish who your target customer is and then go out and start making connections with those people. The larger your network becomes in your target market the more likely it will be that you will end up connecting with someone who wants to do business with you.

One of the biggest mistakes new Dealers make is looking at everyone as a potential customer or team member. Some refer to this as the “three-foot rule”: everyone within three feet of you is a prospect. However, like with any other successful business, you're going to have better results if you identify your target market and focus your marketing efforts at them. When you are marketing to everyone, you are really marketing to no one.

An AMSOIL Dealership is like any other business. It can, and should, be marketed in a variety of ways that take into consideration your target customers and where they can be found. Who are they? What are their interests? What do they enjoy doing? How can you help and serve them? To help you better understand them, give these typical customers a name, a face, an age, and a profession.

Focus on meeting their needs or the needs of their company. How can you satisfy those needs?  What solutions are you offering? What problems are you solving? How can AMSOIL benefit them or their business? If you can answer these questions, they will be far more open to doing business with you.

10. Don’t Barrage your Family and Friends

Nothing will annoy your family more or cost you more friends than constantly pestering them about your business and trying to get them to purchase your products. There's nothing wrong with sharing with them what you're doing and seeing if they are interested – after all, it’s not like you should keep it a secret – but if the answer is "no" let it go. (But always keep in mind that making a sale is often about timing – so “no” in sales doesn't necessarily mean “never”.)

You don’t want to hurt your reputation or relationships by overbearingly trying to sell to, or sponsor, people who just aren’t interested. Promoting your business and products is important, but you should only do so with people who actually show an interest in what you are offering. If they’re not interested, just drop it and move on. Instead, focus your time and effort on your target market.

Remember, not everyone is a prospect. If your friend or family member is the kind of person who couldn’t care less about the quality of motor oil they put in their car – someone who buys the cheapest oil they can find at Walmart or whatever happens to be on sale at their local hardware store – do you really think they’re going to show much interest in purchasing AMSOIL products?

If they have no desire in owning their own business or supplementing their current income… if they have zero interest in selling or promoting AMSOIL products… but you still sign them up as a Dealer – do you believe that they’re actually going to work the business and make you money?

Another downside to this is that it can waste a lot of time and have the counterintuitive effect of creating discouragement rather than producing confidence. While some do end up selling to (or sponsoring) a few of their family members and close friends, the bulk of their customer base primarily came from people they didn’t know when they first started.

11. Establish a Good Relationship with your Customers

Your main objective should be to build relationships with your customers, sharing your personality in addition to your products and business. Get to know and understand them, their interests, their frustrations, their wants, their needs.

Don’t just sell solutions, sell feelingsFeelings lead to higher convictions and greater commitment. Think about the last product purchase you made – whether it was a car, concert tickets, a piece of clothing, or even that expensive meal you had at the end of a long day. Chances are the purchase decision was just as much (if not more so) emotional than logical. Yet, when it comes to sales, most people still lead with logical, solution-based pitches and then act surprised when customers don't purchase from them.

And you know this is the case. For instance, have you ever gone shopping and come home with a product that you really didn’t need but you made an emotional decision to buy it anyways because, for whatever reason, it made you feel good. Maybe it was a piece of clothing that you felt you looked really good in; it was more money than you initially were willing to spend, but hey, you’re worth it, right? You need to offer solutions that align with your customers emotional interests.

Some people will buy from you simply to support you, while others will totally fall in love with the products. Try to be useful and engaging and be prepared to answer technical questions, even the difficult ones. Can't answer one of their questions? Be honest and tell them you will get back to them later with an answer – never make up an answer or just ‘guess’. This way, you'll build trust with them.

You may not know it yet, but, if you have gone through the training material, you do have a lot of knowledge to offer in this business. Find a way to share and communicate this information with them and you'll become a trusted reference. Always be genuine and authentic. The more genuine and authentic you are, the more they will trust you, and the likelier they are to buy from you.

Think about different ways to stand out from other AMSOIL Dealers. You are selling the same products and sharing the very same business opportunity after all. Why should they purchase from you and not from one of those other Dealers? Why should prospective Dealers sign up under you and not them? What can you offer them that is different from, or supplementary to, what the others are offering? Better customer service? Better mentoring and coaching? Are you more compassionate or empathetic?

Give them a reason to choose YOU.

Some Dealers will resort to using hype, false claims, and sometimes outright deception, to sell products or lure in new Dealers. This will only serve to hurt your business in the long run and ruin your reputation. Never make unofficial claims about the company or the products. The only claims you should be making are the claims found in official AMSOIL publications and the company website.

Always be honest with the customer or prospective Dealer. Avoid exaggerating the benefits of the products or bashing our competitor’s products. Avoid over-hyping the business opportunity. If you love the products and the business, your enthusiasm will be more than enough to promote them.

12. Work on your Relationship Skills; Follow Up

Instead of focusing on making a million dollars, focus on making a million friends.

Some of us are better than others at building relationships and have better people skills. Take a good honest look at how you relate to people. Do you take the time to meet new people and make new friends? Do you offer something of value in your conversations with them? Are you empathetic?

Building trusted relationships based on empathy and respect are how you build long-term customer loyalty and business success. Do you know what the people you talk to care about? Do you ask them what their interests and needs are? Do you listen to them? Are you always polite, friendly and genuine? Are you positive and upbeat? Fun, yet professional?

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Always be responsive with your customers. If a customer or potential customer reaches out to you, respond promptly and maintain smooth and open communication with them. While you don't want to pester and annoy them, you do need to always keep the lines of communication open.

Do you follow up with them regularly? You need to develop a good system for following up (face-to-face, email, phone call, thank you note). A sale should never end with the purchase – be sure to follow up. The Fortune is in the Follow-up!

The better your relationship skills are, the likelier people will feel ‘safe’ with you. The more comfortable they are with you, the longer they will stay connected to you. If you offer something of value consistently, people will keep coming back to you and stick with you long term. Remember, referrals from people who have already used your products is one of the best ways to promote your products and business.

Building a strong, loyal customer base will not only generate regular income but it also will ensure you have ambassadors for your business as your customers will be talking about and recommending your products to others. Furthermore, some of those customers might later decide to pursue the AMSOIL business opportunity for themselves, either on a full-time or part-time basis.

13. Have the Right Mindset; Believe in Yourself

If you want to build a prosperous, thriving business, you need to start by having a positive mindset. Sure I, and AMSOIL corporate, can give you the tools & training, and help you develop your skill set, but having the right mindset is up to you.

If you truly desire to do it, you'll find a way; If you don't, you'll find an excuse.


You need to believe in yourself; believe that you can and will be successful in this business. You need to have faith and trust in your abilities and potential. You need to be passionate about AMSOIL and excited about the products. You need to listen to those who have already made it and duplicate what they did.

If you want to become successful, your desire for success needs to be greater than your fear of failure.

You need to learn to ignore the critics, naysayers and pessimists. Much of the rejection you will be facing will often come from friends, family members and relatives – in other words, those closest to you. Don’t let them get you down and discourage you; don’t let them rain on your parade; don’t let them extinguish your fire; don’t let them take away your dreams. Be prepared to face this rejection head-on and stubbornly refuse to give up and quit.

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."  Apple’s Steve Jobs

Are you going to go through some rough patches and speed bumps along the way? Are you going to make mistakes and missteps on this journey? Are you going to have the occasional setback, slowdown and letdown? YES, of course you are! All successful entrepreneurs have had to go through that. However, they pulled themselves together, picked themselves back up, and pressed on.

Never let your mistakes or failures define you. Let them refine you.

Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

“I’m a big believer in falling down 7 times but getting up 8 …
It's not always easy - in fact, it's never easy - but starting and running your own business can be the most rewarding life experience.”  Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec
I hope that you have found these tips informative and enlightening. I hope that they will be useful in helping you build and grow your business; that they will help inspire and motivate you. I sincerely believe that if you take them to heart and faithfully apply them to your business, you will achieve success; you will meet your goals; you will make your dreams come true. 
Remember, if you believe in yourself, you CAN and WILL make it happen!


The Unintended Consequences of being Successful
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